2015 Bring it on

1/03/2015 Megan 0 Comments

Now that we're really starting with 2015 (we don't really count January 1st, now do we?) it's time to reflect on life and think about what we want 2015 to bring us.
Is it love? An awesome new job? Making new beginnings or new friends? Or are we just going to continue the way we did in 2014?

We at Rebelle du jour decided to take things to the next level. Just enjoy life even more.
/ Step away from our phones from time to time
/ But also take more pictures to not forget those precious memories
/ Spend more time with our loved ones. And with time we mean; precious time. Again; No phones allowed
/ Learn new things like; surfing / cocktail shaking / really cook / walk in heels longer than 1 hour
/ Eat healthy. Now we already do that, let's take this up a notch in 2015

What are your resolutions?

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